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Security Precautions for Students

Take responsibility for security in your campus house. Exterior doors to houses should be closed and locked at all times, and doors to student rooms should be locked whenever the room is unoccupied and at night. Always question unfamiliar people who are inside or who are trying to enter the house. Visitors should be greeted at the front door. Report any problems with or malfunctioning of the house exterior doors to Facilities Management immediately by calling ext. 2400, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. After-hours and on weekends, call Campus Safety at ext. 2490.

When walking, especially at night, use lighted and well-traveled roadways and walking routes. In particular, avoid the athletic fields and the path along Paradise Pond at night.

In general, when walking after dark, walk in pairs or in groups, not alone.

Have your OneCard ready to open the door as soon as you arrive at your destination.

Keep your friends informed of your plans and whereabouts when you are away from your house and especially when you are away from campus.

The campus has more than 80 blue light phones. Their use is not restricted to emergencies; use them to report incidents or suspicious people, or to ask for assistance or an escort. Simply lift the receiver or push the red button of any blue light phone. The phone will signal Campus Safety automatically and direct someone to you.