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Snow Parking Ban

The College has declared a snow parking ban, effective February 8th, at 5 p.m. to February 9th, at 5 p.m. Please visit Winter Parking for additional information.

Neilson Library Opening at 1 p.m. Sunday, February 9

Due to inclement weather, Neilson Library will open at 1 p.m. on 2/9. Hillyer and Josten Library hours remain unaffected.

Student Rooms and Furniture

Reasonable care of college furniture and student rooms is expected of every student. Upon moving into a room, students must complete the electronic Room Condition Report (RCR) form which they can find at their residence life self service. This form must be completed within 72 hours of moving into the room. Failure to complete the form will result in the forfeiture of the student's right to appeal billing charges relating to room condition.

Student room furniture supplied by the college consists of a bed and mattress, bureau, desk, and desk chair for each person, and a bookcase, mirror and both a recycling and waste container for each room. In some student rooms there is a bookshelf on each student desk rather than a single large bookcase for the room. Under no circumstances should any student’s room furniture be removed from a room without authorization. No furniture should be left in corridors, as this presents a safety hazard to house occupants and staff. All student guests must comply with residential policies. Any student whose room is missing furniture at the end of the academic year, or when the student otherwise moves out of the room, will be subject to billing for the missing item(s).

All furniture purchased by the college for student rooms is expected to remain in the assigned rooms. Bed and furniture removal is not permitted. Students with accommodation needs should work directly with the Accessibility Resource Center.

Should you have any questions concerning furniture or decorating policies, call before you begin decorating (ext. 2400). The college may require personal furniture and furnishings to be removed from any residence where, in the judgment of the director of residence life and coordinator of health and safety, there is a potential for fire or housekeeping hazard. All personally owned furniture and furnishings must be removed from student residences at the time they are vacated at the end of the school year. Any items remaining after that date will be disposed of by the college at student expense. Personal furniture cannot be stored in the trunk rooms.

A closing inventory will be completed when the student moves out of their room, and the student will be held accountable for any damage to the furniture or the room itself. Charges are imposed for mistreatment of furniture or defacement of walls or ceilings. Students will be charged the full cost for replacement or for repair of damage, such as burns or water damage, caused by mistreatment or carelessness. Any room left in an unacceptable condition will be subject to a cleaning fee.

Students may not paint any part of their rooms. Nothing may be driven into or attached to the walls or woodwork, including nails, tacks, screws, pins or adhesives of any type. Picture molding must be used for hanging posters, pictures, banners and bulletin boards. Nothing may be hung from sprinkler pipes, ceiling drapery tracks or traverse and curtain rods. Flammable materials (e.g., candles, halogen floor lamps, etc.) and certain appliances are not permitted in student rooms. Please refer to the section titled Fire Safety Regulations for details.

Water beds, water pillows and loft beds not provided by the college are not permitted. Bricks or cinder blocks for beds or bookcases are not permitted.

Heavy pieces of house furniture such as dining room tables, sofas and pianos must be moved by college personnel to avoid personal injury and damage to the furniture. The cost of any damage to the furniture or the house as a result of students or their guests moving furniture will be assessed against the house.

Updated July 2024