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Inclement Weather Information

Due to inclement weather, Neilson, Josten, and Hillyer Libraries will be closed on Sunday, February 16. Check for updates and further information. 

The College has declared a snow parking ban, effective from 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 15 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, February 16

Smith College Policy on Chalking

Smith College allows chalking on campus under the following guidelines:

  • Only erasable chalk may be used (grease-based chalk is not permitted).
  • Chalking may be done only on asphalt roads and walkways.
  • Chalkings should be signed with the full name of the person or group responsible.
  • Other individuals or groups within the community may add to the chalkings or remove them.
  • The administration of the college may remove all the chalkings in any specific area of campus.

Adopted by the Committee on Community Policy, November 18, 1993