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Here for Every Voice Giving Circles allow a group of donors to come together and collectively endow a scholarship fund. By joining together, donors make a powerful difference in the lives of students—and cement long-lasting relationships with each other and with the college.

Because these scholarships are endowed, the benefits last forever, impacting the lives of students now and for the future. That's because endowed gifts are invested, the principal grows over time and a percentage of the income is used to create scholarships annually. The fund stands in perpetuity as a testament to your belief in Smith's mission.

Smith is reaching out to find more difference-makers as part of the Here for Every Voice initiative to secure $200 million in endowed scholarship support—alums who seek to create a more beautiful and just world by providing educational access to the best and brightest students, students who will become Smithie leaders, creators, teachers, researchers, scientists and doers.

Read more about the power of Giving Circles in this Smith Alumnae Quarterly article.

More Details

Giving Opportunities

Minimum collective gifts start at $150,000. Gifts within your circle—a group of friends, classmates or colleagues—needn’t be the same amount and can be paid in annual installments from one to five years. It's the collective total that matters—and all endowed scholarship funds have a profound impact on Smith students.

Once a fund reaches $250,000, donors can specify certain broad preferences for recipients such as majors, international students or other key demographics. An endowed fund of $1.5 million or more generates the income needed to cover tuition and expenses for one Smith student in one academic year. Learn more.

Donors have regular opportunities to connect with students who are impacted by financial aid. You will know you’re making a powerful difference by educating gifted students who lack financial resources.

Why Join a Giving Circle?

  • Give what you can: donations may vary.
  • Receive matching funds from an anonymous alum
  • Name your scholarship.
  • Specify certain recipient qualifications (such as majors) for gifts of $250,000 or more.
  • Enjoy a lasting connection with circle participants and Smith.
  • Explore shared values and philanthropic decisions more deeply in community.
  • Mentor alums not as experienced as donors.
  • Help create a better world through educational access.
  • Collaborate with fellow alums to create the world you want to live in.

Gift Matching Program

An anonymous alum wants to help your giving circle endow your own scholarship.

Gifts above $100,000 to either establish a new endowed scholarship fund or add to an existing endowed scholarship fund will be matched, increasing the value of the fund and maximizing its impact.







“I love this name ‘giving circle.’”

“It implies that working together will make us stronger, and able to achieve something that's difficult or impossible for each of us individually.”

Dr. Zimu Zheng ’96, member of a Here for Every Voice Giving Circle

I’m Interested! What’s Next?

If you would like to help organize a giving circle, we will provide support and training.

Giving Circle Captains:

  • Identify, recruit and inspire a group of Smithies or others to come together and collectively endow a scholarship fund.
  • Participate in Zoom training and support.
  • Serve as visible philanthropic volunteers for Smith.

Email your ideas to and we will be back in touch with you immediately. We look forward to hearing from you!