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Inclement Weather Information

Due to inclement weather, Neilson, Josten, and Hillyer Libraries will be closed on Sunday, February 16. Check for updates and further information. 

The College has declared a snow parking ban, effective from 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 15 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, February 16

Sherrerd Center Resources

Smith faculty are actively publishing about pedagogy in addition to publishing in their own fields. The following citations are for published articles about teaching by Smith authors. If you would like information about an article, please contact its author.


Audley, Shannon (2023). "Belonging in the Classroom is Not the Same as Belonging in a Course: Inclusivity Through Assessments." The Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching 2023, Volume 8, Number 2,

Cheung, Floyd (2022). "Five Techniques for Better Class Discussions." Faculty Focus, March 23, 2022.
Cheung, Floyd, Cynthia Ganote, and Tasha Souza, "Pedagogies of Microresistance for Equity and Social Justice" (Chapter 5) of Equity and Inclusion in Higher Education: Strategies for Teaching, edited by Kumar, Rita and Refaei, Brenda, University of Cincinnati Press, 2022. 

Gras-Velázquez, Adrian and Porter Holliday, Maeve (2020). "Classroom Mapping as a Pedagogical Tool: Gauging Student Participation and Teaching Effectiveness in the College Language Classroom." Readings in Language Studies, Volume 8: Critical Perspectives on Teaching, Learning, and Society, edited by Paul Iida, Timothy Reagan, and John W Schwieter. International Society for Language Study, Inc., pp. 19-48.
Note: This paper was a product of a Student-Faculty Pedagogical Partnership in 2018.


Halliday, Simon. (2019). Promoting an ethical economics classroom through partnership. International Journal for Students As Partners3(1), 182-189. 

Cheung, Floyd. (2019). Preparatory Notes as a Way to Individualize Teaching and Learning. 28(3), 1-3. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


Audley, Shannon (2018). Partners as Scaffolds: Teaching in the Zone of Proximal Development.Teaching and Learning Together in Higher Education: Iss. 24,

Baker, C. N. (2018). Teaching to Empower. Feminist Formations 30(3), 4-15. Johns Hopkins University Press. (video version of Prof. Baker's argument)

Caravita, Joanna (2018). Teaching Modern Hebrew from a Distance: Two Campus, One Teacher (and a Robot)Hebrew Higher Education 20. 


Pryor, Elizabeth Stordeur. (2017). Talking About the N-word. The Panarama: Journal of the Early Republic. May 15, 2017. 

Roane, J.T. (2017). Pedagogy for the World: Black Studies in the Classroom and Beyond. Black Perspectives. African American Intellectual History Society. Jan 8, 2017.

Rudnitsky, Al, Catharine Barclay, and Lauren Binger. (2017). What students need to know about good talk: Be BRAVE. Middle School Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 3-14


Cheung, Floyd, Cynthia Ganote, and Tasha Souza. (2016). Responding to Microaggressions with Microresistance: A Framework for Consideration. In A. T. Harrell (Ed). POD Diversity Committee White Paper at the 41st Annual POD Conference (pp. 3-7). Louisville, KY.

Cheung, Floyd, Cynthia Ganote, and Tasha Souza. (2016). Microaggressions and Microresistance: Supporting and Empowering Students. In Diversity and Inclusion in the College Classroom, pp. 15-17. 

Kumagai, Yuri, A. López-Sánchez, and Sujane Wu. Eds. (2016). Multiliteracies in World Language Education. New York: Routledge.

Rudnitsky, Al, Borjana, Mikic. (2016) An Emergent Approach to Design Thinking and Collaborative Team Composition in an Introduction to Engineering Course. International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 1-8.


Orem, Sarah and Neil Simpkins. (2015) Weepy Rhetoric, Trigger Warnings, and the Work of Making Mental Illness Visible in the Writing Classroom. Enculturation. December 16, 2015. 


Brady, John B., John T. Cheney, Jahandar Ramezani, and Margaret D. Thompson. (2014). The Cape Ann Plutonic Suite: Calssic stops for teaching petrology along the North Shore. In Thompson, M.D., editor, Guidebook to Field Trips in Southeastern New England (MA-NH-RI), New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 106th Annual Meeting, Wellesley, Massachusetts, A4, 1-27.

Ellis, G.W., Ipesa-Balogun, H.A., Yu, Y., Zhang, Y., Jiang, X. (2014) Developing a Learner-Centered Classroom through Collaborative Knowledge Building, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN, June 15-18.


Ellis, G.W. and Yu, Y. (2013) Using Knowledge Building to Support Deep Learning and the Development of 21st Century Skills, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition, Atlanta, GA, June 23-27.

Rudnitsky, Al & W. Ellis, Glenn & Marten DiBartolo, Patricia & M. Shea, Kevin. (2013). 8: Developing a Faculty Learning Community Grounded in the Science of How People Learn: A Year-Long, Faculty-Led Teaching and Learning Seminar. To Improve the Academy. 32. 127-143. 10.1002/j.2334-4822.2013.tb00702.x.

Rudnitsky, A., Ellis, G.W., Shea, K., DiBartolo, P. (2013) Professional Development in a Liberal Arts Setting, To Improve the Academy, Vol. 32, 127-144.

Rudnitsky, Al. (2013) Tasks and Talk: The Relationship Between Teachers’ Goals and Student Discourse. Social Studies Research and Practice. Vol. 8, No. 3. 

Thomas, Rebecca M. and Kevin M. Shea. (2013). Synthesis of Di- and Trisubstituted Azulenes Using a Danheiser Annulation as the Key Step: An Advanced Organic Laboratory Experiment. Journal of Chemical Education, 2013, 90(1), 110-114.

Vargas, Mike. (2013). Notice and Contribute: Collaborative Negotiations Between Improvised Music and Dance. Contact Quarterly, Vol. 38 No. 1, Winter/Spring 2013, pp. 24-27.


Olivo, Richard F. (2012). Collaborative Online Writing Assignments to Foster Active LearningJournal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education 11(1): A82-A89.


Birkett, Mary Ellen and Ann Leone. (2011) Gardens of Change: The Landscapes of Early Modern Women Writers. in Teaching Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century French Women Writers. Edited by Faith E. Beasley. NY: MLA, 2011. pp 48–55.

Konold, Cliff, Sandra Madden, Alexander Pollatsek, Maxine Pfannkuch, Chris Wild, Ilze Ziedins, William Finzer, Nicholas J. Horton, and Sibel Kazak.  (2011). Conceptual challenges in coordinating theoretical and data-centered estimates of probability, Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 2011; 13:68–86.

Olivo, Richard F. (2011). Bridging Old and New: Video Guides to Assigned ReadingsEDUCAUSE Quarterly 34(4), December 2011.

Rudnitsky, Al. Patricia DiBartolo. (2011) What Happens When a College Teacher Meets the Learning Sciences. International Journal of University Teaching and Faculty Development. Vol. 2, No. 3.

Rudnitsky, Al. Glen W. Ellis, Mary A. Moriarty, Borjana Mikic. (2011) Applying Knowledge Building in an Engineering Class: A Pilot Study. International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 1-13.

Rudnitsky, Al, Glenn W. Ellis, Mary Moriarity. (2011) Using Knowledge Building to Support Deep Learning, Collaboration, and Innovation in Engineering Education. 40th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, Washington, DC. 

Weinberg, Adam, Rebecca Hovey and Carol Bellamy. (2011) Exploring Leadership through International Education: Civic Learning through Study Abroad in Uganda. In Cynthia Gibson and Nicholas V. Longo, eds. From Command to Community: A New Approach to Leadership Education in Colleges and Universities. University Press of New England, 2011.


Pfannkuch, Maxine, Matt Regan, Chris Wild and Nicholas J. Horton. (2010). Telling data stories: essential dialogues for comparative reasoning, Journal of Statistics Education, 2010; 18(1) (won award for best paper in JSE in 2010).

Rudnitsky, Al, Glenn W. Ellis, Mary Moriarity. (2010) Theoretic Stories: Creating Deeper Learning in Engineering Courses. International Journal of Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education,   vol. 26, no. 5 (2010).

Wild, Chris. J., Maxine Pfannkuch , Matt Regan and Nicholas J. Horton. (2010). Towards More Accessible Conceptions of Statistical Inference, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 2011; 174 (part 2): 247–295 (the paper was read before the RSS on October 20, 2010, and the 39 written comments plus our rejoinder were published).


Birkett, Mary Ellen. (2009). Approaches to Teaching Duras’s Ourika (co-edited with Christopher Rivers). New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2009. p. 184.

Brady, John B. (2009). Magma in a beaker: Analog experiments with water and various salts or sugar for teaching igneous petrology. The Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 457-471. (Figures in postscript.)

Brady, John B. (2009). Siphons, Water Clocks, Cooling Coffee, and Leaking Capacitors: Classroom Activities to Help Students Understand Radiometric Dating and Other Exponential Processes. Journal of Geoscience Education, 57, 196-205.

Hovey, Rebecca and Adam Weinberg. (2009). Global Learning and the Making of Citizen Diplomats. In Ross Lewin (ed.), The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad: Higher Education and the Quest for Global Citizenship. New York: Routledge Press, 2009.

Hovey, Rebecca. (2009). Global Learning through Partnered Inquiry. Contemporary Issues, Association of International Administration Educators, 2009.

Werkmeister Rozas, Lisa, and Joshua Miller. (2009). Discourses for Social Justice Education: The Web of Racism and the Web of Resistance. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity, 18(1), 24-39.


Brady, John B. (2003) Phase diagrams from kitchen chemistry. 3 January 2008

Davis, John. Teaching American Art History in Kyoto and Brussels. In American Art, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Fall 2008), pp. 19–22 Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Mosley, Albert. (2008). Bob Moses and the Algebra Project. American Philosophical Association Newsletters: Newsletter on Philosophy and the Black Experience. 8.1 (2008): 1-3. Web. Fall 2008


Guglielmo, Jennifer. (2007). Women Writing Resistance: Teaching Italian Immigrant Women's Radical Political Testimonies. In Transformations: Journal of Inclusive Scholarship and Pedagogy 18:1 (Spring 2007): 14-28.

Miller, Joshua, and Ann Marie Garran. (2007). Racism in the United States: Implications for the helping professions. Belmont, CA: Thompson/Brooks Coles.- Chapter 12: Teaching about racism

Miller, Joshua and Susan Donner (2007). The complexity of multidimensional social identity development. In S. Borrmann, M Klassen, & C. Spatscheck (eds.). International social work: Social problems, cultural issues and social work education (pp. 75-94). Opladen, Germany: Barbara Budrich Publishers.

Switzer, Suzanne. S. (SC ’06 undergraduate first-author) and Nicholas J. Horton. (2007). What your doctor should know about statistics (but perhaps doesn’t). In Chance, 2007; 20(1):17–21.


Rudnitsky, Al, George Posner. (2006). Course Design: A Guide to Curriculum Development for Teachers. 7th edition. Boston: Allyn & Bacon Longman.


Horton, Nicholas J. and Suzanne S. Switzer (SC ’06 undergraduate co-author). (2005). Statistical methods in the Journal (research letter). New England Journal of Medicine, 2005; 353(18):1977–1979.


Birkett, Mary Ellen. (2004). Comparing Prefaces: Rousseau versus Montaigne.  pp. 28–32 in Approaches to Teaching Rousseau’s Confessions and Reveries of the Solitary Walker (ed. John O’Neal and Ourida Mostefai). New York: Modern Language Association of America, 2004. Pp. 157.

Brady, John B., and John T. Cheney. (2004) The Cape Ann Plutonic Suite: A field trip for petrology classes. In Hanson, L.S., ed., Guidebook, 96th Annual Meeting of the New England Intercollegiate Geological Conference, Salem, Massachusetts, B1-B25.

Horton, Nicholas J., Elizabeth R Brown and Linjuan Qian (SC ’05 undergraduate co-author). (2004). Use of R as a toolbox for mathematical statistics explorationThe American Statistician, 2004; 58(4):343–357.

Hovey, Rebecca. (2004). Critical Pedagogy and International Studies: Reconstructing Knowledge through Dialogue with the Subaltern. In International Relations, Vol. 18(2).

Miller, Joshua, Cheryl A. Hyde and Betty J. Ruth (2004). Teaching about race and racism in social work: The challenge for white educators Smith College Studies in Social Work, 74(2), 409-426.

Miller, Joshua, Susan Donner and Edith Fraser. (2004). Talking when talking is tough: Taking on conversations about race, sexual orientation, gender and class. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 74(2), 377-392.


Bartlett, Randall and Roger Kaufman. (2003). Does Your Campus Truly Value Good Teaching?. In Trusteeship, Vol. 11, Number 3, May/June 2003, pp. 20–25.

Hall, Adam C., and Mary E. Harrington. (2003). Experimental Methods in Neuroscience: an undergraduate neuroscience laboratory course for teaching data collection, statistical analyses and report writing. Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, 2, A1–7.

Rudnistky, Al. Susan Etheredge. (2003) Introducing Students to Scientific Inquiry: How Do We Know What We Know. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.


Felder, Richard M., Gary N. Felder, and E. Jacquelin Dietz. "The Effects of Personality Type on Engineering Student Performance and Attitudes*." Journal of Engineering Education, 91(1), 3–17 (2002).


Miller, Joshua, and Susan Donner. (2000). More than just talk: The use of racial dialogues to combat racism. Social Work with Groups, 23(1), 31-53.


Birkett, Mary Ellen. (1999). A Romantic Approach to The Red and the Black. pp. 38-47 in Approaches to Teaching: Stendhal’s The Red and the Black (ed. Dean de la Motte and Stirling Haig). New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1999. Pp. 187.

Brady, John B. (1997). Teaching mineralogy to geology studentsMineralogical Association of Canada Newsletter 56, 3–7.

Brady, John B. (1997). Making solid solutions with alkali halides: in Brady, J.B., Mogk, D.W., and Perkins, D., editors, Teaching Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, 85-89.

Brady, John B. (1995). Confessions of a mineralogy professor. In Geotimes, 40:9, 4.

Brady, John B. and Shelby J. Boardman. (1995). Optical diffraction experiments using lasers — An effective strategy for introducing mineralogy students to x-ray diffractionJournal of Geological Education, 43, 471–476.

Brady, John B., Robert M. Newton, and Shelby J. Boardman. (1995) New uses for powder x-ray diffraction experiments in the undergraduate curriculumJournal of Geological Education, 43, 466–470.

Brady, John B (1992) Does ice dissolve or does halite melt? — A low-temperature liquidus experiment for petrology classesJournal of Geological Education, 40, 116–118.

Felder, Richard M., Gary N. Felder, and E. Jacquelin Dietz. (1998) A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Performance and Retention V. Comparisons With Traditionally-Taught Students. Journal of Engineering Education, 87(4), 469-480 (1998).

Felder, Richard M., Gary N. Felder, Meredith Mauney and E. Jacquelin Dietz. (1995) A Longitudinal Study of Engineering Student Performance and Retention. III. Gender Differences in Student of Engineering Education." Journal of Engineering Education. 84(2), 151-163 (1995). 

Felder, Richard M. and Gary N. Felder.  (1992). Is the Quality of American Students Really Declining?.  Chem. Engr. Progr., June 1992, pp. 79-89.

The Sherrerd Center has limited funding for faculty and instructional staff (those who teach) interested in attending conferences focused on teaching and learning. Participation as both presenters and attendees enriches teaching practices and student experiences at Smith. Please contact the Sherrerd Center if you are interested in conference funding. We ask participants to share conference highlights. Please contact us for more details. Also note that funding will be very limited for FY2022, due to budget reductions. 

The Sherrerd Center Guide to Creating Inclusive Syllabi

Alternative Grading Resources:

The Syllabus at the Cornerstone of Inclusive Practices, slide deck, which contains embedded links for you to explore. 

Sherrerd Sample First Day of Class Form/Questionnaire 

Science Center Committee on Diversity Inclusive Practices for Remote Teaching document.

 Steps for Accessible Courses - 2023 (PDF)

Sherrerd Idea Swaps summary document: the Sherrerd Center held a series of Idea Swaps in Spring 2020 to facilitate conversations about what worked well and what could have gone better in our switch to remote teaching in March. More than 100 faculty and staff attended these Idea Swaps and shared their best thinking about their courses in the Spring with an eye toward the Fall. The summary document includes both the high-level themes that emerged from our Idea Swaps and that feel relevant to all courses we teach as well as thoughts and ideas that emerged from the individual Idea Swaps. We hope all people who teach at Smith will find this a useful document as they think about framing their courses for the Fall.

From the expert: Tips on lecturing with a mask

Building the Ramp (video)
Jeff Ashley, Jefferson University

Intro to Executive Function (video)
ADHD in Your Classroom (video)
On the Spectrum Students (video)
All presented by Kristin Tran-Swoszowski, Learning Specialist, Penn Charter Academy (K–12)

Creating Neuro-Inclusive Learning Spaces
Campus Planning
Published January 19, 2021
Presented by Jennifer Carpenter, Verona Carpenter Architects | Irina Verona, Verona Carpenter Architects | Marie-Christine Potvin, Thomas Jefferson University | Monique Chabot, Thomas Jefferson University | Josh Humbel, SCUP

Additional Neurodiversity Resources

A bookcase of resources on teaching and learning and on succeeding as a professor resides in Seelye Hall B8. Faculty and staff members should feel free to browse on site and sign out books to read at greater leisure. If you have a suggestion for a book we do not have, please let Sara Pruss know. See the titles that we currently own.

Other Teaching Resources:

10 Ways to Tackle Linguistic Bias in Our Classrooms

Course Design Equity and Inclusion Rubric from Stanford

How to Manage and Organize Sources as you write a proposal from Caroline Melly

As teachers, we cannot control all aspects of the learning environment. Sometimes local, national, and international events send shock waves through our communities that most of us cannot ignore and that all of us—students, faculty and staff—experience in different ways. Although we can never predict how to respond in such moments, here are a handful of resources that might help with framing conversations both in and outside of the classroom.

Please see this selected list of resources:

Teaching in Tumultuous Times (PDF)

Discussing Emotionally Charged News in the Classroom by Ryan Pickering in Navigating Difficult Moments in Teaching Diversity and Social Justice.

Dialogue and Disagreement

Guidelines for Discussing Hot Topics

Trauma-informed Pedagogy  

Teaching in Times of Stress and Challenge

Incorporating Trauma-informed pedagogy into classes

Resources for Trauma informed Teaching and Learning (many downloadable links)

Smith College Resources

Please see the following document for suggested guidelines on peer observation of teaching.

Sherrerd Center Mid-Semester Assessments for Faculty

The Mid-Semester Assessment (MSA) offers faculty the chance to receive feedback on their teaching and students’ learning. For more information, please contact Debra Carney in the Sherrerd Center, 413-585-3035.

The Learning Spaces Plan is the result of three years of collaborative work and input by multiple Smith College committees and Sasaki Associates. The plan ensures that Smith’s faculty will have access to high quality learning spaces so they can take advantage of new forms of pedagogy and technology in their teaching.

Disability Accommodation Process (PDF)

Implementing Universal Design (PDF)

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines (PDF)

The Faculty Room
Faculty and administrators at post-secondary institutions can learn about how to create classroom environments and academic activities that maximize the learning of all students, including those with disabilities.

Other Resources

Calderwood Seminars in Public Writing develop students’ writing skills for external audiences. The program includes seminars at Wellesley which are taught across the disciplines and enroll about 15 percent of each graduating class. These upper-level seminars employ a distinctive pedagogy and provide a framework for students to learn to translate their disciplinary knowledge into writing for the public. Public writing—the ability to translate complex arguments and professional jargon to a broad audience—is different from the academic writing done in most courses and is central to success in life beyond college. Wellesley students and faculty have been enthusiastic about these capstone seminars that not only improve student writing but increase students’ command over their major field of study.

The program began at Wellesley in 2013–14 and is now being expanded to other colleges and universities. Learn more about the program.

Smith College is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, which grants you access to Member Resources, from weekly newsletters to webinars. Claim your membership at no cost via this membership page and click "Register Now" under Institutional Sub-Account Membership.

Academic Support Services

Multicultural Affairs

The Office of Multicultural Affairs serves as a source of guidance and advocacy for students of color as they navigate their Smith experience.

Disability Services