Students and employees are currently required to participate in the college’s COVID-19 testing program. Smith’s asymptomatic testing program is managed by the Broad Institute.
This dashboard will be updated daily. In accordance with applicable privacy laws, the college will not release any personally identifying information regarding individual cases.
Changes to COVID-19 Testing Hours
On Monday, May 16, the COVID-19 testing center hours are changing to reflect the reduced campus population. Please review the May 12, 2022 notice for details.
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This dashboard only reports PCR test results from the on-campus screening program. During the 2022 spring recess, there were a total of 35 positive cases within the Smith community. These positives include both those PCR results shared on the dashboard and 2 employee and 16 student rapid antigen tests that returned positive results. Students who tested positive via rapid antigen tests were placed in isolation, as reflected in the dashboard.
Tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms? Here’s what to do.
STOP: If you are a student who has tested positive for COVID-19, contact testingandtracing@smith.edu immediately.
If you have tested positive for COVID-19, visit the Schacht Center COVID-19 webpage for more information.