Grayson Hawthorn ’24
Meet the Majors

Other clubs, sports, and activities:
Russian Club, former Wilder/Haynes HONS, learning Yiddish, crafts (like, all of them, too many to count).
Describe your major for someone who has never heard of your field before.
You’re likely already studying religion every day, you just don’t know it! Religion doesn’t just take place in scripture and sacred spaces—it’s difficult to define precisely and extremely interdisciplinary in study.
If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be?
This is a super difficult question. I’d definitely have to pick a past event, and I’d likely say the coup overthrowing Peter III in Russia. Being a fly on the wall for that entire debacle seems crazy.
What’s your all-time favorite Smith memory?
One of my favorite Smith memories is the surprise 20th birthday party that my friends threw me in Wilder House [since renamed Haynes House]. I was having a very difficult semester, so it was a truly bright spot during that time. It was extremely fun and what I had imagined college would be like. My other favorite memory is probably the creation of my unofficial holiday “Lawn Chair Day,” where my friends and I sit on the Quad in lawn chairs and play dad rock to unwind.
In my experience, the language communities at Smith are tight-knit and really root for you to succeed.
Did you ever have trouble deciding on a major? What, ultimately, helped you decide?
Absolutely! I think it’s important to be a bit indecisive about what you want to study so you can weigh your options and figure out what you like. I came to Smith certain that I wanted to study history and government. After taking first-year Russian on a whim, I decided to be a Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies major, but wanted to double major. During J-term my first year, I panicked and decided to try out world literature instead of history, which also didn’t work out.
Eventually, after taking a Hebrew Bible course with Joel Kaminsky that spring semester, I talked my mom’s ear off about religion and the Bible all summer. While panicking that I still didn’t know what to major in, my mom mentioned to me that I couldn’t stop talking about the religion thing and asked if that was a possibility. I came back to Smith on the first day of my sophomore year ready to declare both my majors. Although I didn’t expect it at all, trying out a random class that intrigued me helped me find what I love studying the most. If you’re not sure, I really recommend taking a bunch of different courses during your first few semesters!
Describe a moment from a class that particularly sticks with you.
One moment that I’ll always remember is from my small REL 200 class, now titled “What is Religion?” where each student presented their final biographical research project where we used the texts we read that semester to analyze personally meaningful objects. I presented something from my dog Oscar, who passed away in 2020 just as I began college, and in all honesty, I began crying a bit in front of my entire class while reading my paper out loud. Super embarrassing for me, but the love and support I got from that class before, during, and after that presentation helped make my first in-person semester at Smith special.
What’s your “Big Dream” for your future?
I’m really not sure! I would likely tell you a different answer if you asked me next week. Right now, I’m currently looking into library and archives programs after unexpectedly working in a museum this summer. It seems like a great way for me to continue using my interests and experience in my career. I’d be happy to do something involving history and education.

What event would you go to if you had the chance to pick two tickets for anything?
I would have to pick two tickets to see Björk in concert. I’ve been a huge fan of her music since high school and seeing a female artist be that bold and experimental was very inspiring.
If you could tell an incoming first-year anything about Smith, what would it be?
Try everything! Really, get involved with stuff you didn’t expect to try, like house council or a club you ran into at the Organization Fair, find niche study spaces on campus, or go wander around downtown Northampton. There’s a lot to do if you look for it, especially off-campus. Getting involved in the Pioneer Valley community outside of Smith is really great! Also, study a language if you get a chance. It’s extremely beneficial, and in my experience, the language communities at Smith are tight-knit and really root for you to succeed, especially the REEES department.
What is your proudest accomplishment?
Presenting my papers at the REEESNe Conference and Five College Philosophy Conference last semester was a big deal for me. It was the first time I had ever presented at a conference, and they were within two weeks of each other! Receiving feedback and support from my professors and friends during both conferences really boosted my confidence as a writer and a student.
If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?
I’d really like to throw a “Dress As Your Favorite Biblical Figure” party, but I don’t know how popular that would be with my friends, or anyone, really. I just think it would be fun to party with my friends while dressed as Ezekiel or Balaam’s donkey.
What do you think has been the most “Smithie” thing you’ve done in life so far?
Probably the number of times I’ve dyed and cut my hair by myself. I’ve had every color of the rainbow and hair every length from a near-buzzcut to waist-length. The amount of Smith chops I’ve had since I arrived is a little embarrassing.
What do you wish older alums knew about the class of 2024?
That we really want to connect with you! Many of us had a rough end to high school and/or start to college, and I think sometimes it’s easy to feel a bit disconnected from house and Smith traditions due to the pandemic’s interruption. Making us feel included really helps!