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A Humbling Experience Inspires Passion for Learning

Little Love Stories

While at the top of her class in high school, Susan Termohlen ’72 initially struggled at Smith but ultimately succeeded with flying colors


Published January 29, 2025

I am the first and only member of my family to go to college. I had been somewhat of a star in my Massachusetts high school of 600-plus students, but once I started classes at Smith, I realized I was woefully unprepared (except for math). I received a D+ on my very first German assignment. 

I came from a relatively poor family and had never met or been associated with girls from wealth or with private school educations. Within a few months, however, I had made lifelong friends and had figured out how to study to meet the demands of this new high-level education. The whole world opened up to me. I was always excited when the course catalog came out and I could choose from so many exciting and interesting classes. I could never take as many as I wanted. 

Being at Smith instilled in me a lifetime of interest in almost any subject. And it was wonderful to find other women who liked math and science as much as I did. I had a wonderful math professor, David Cohen, who inspired and nurtured me, and we became good friends. Smith completely changed my life. I still love the friends I made there, and I still love to learn.

This is just one of the many love stories we've received in conjunction with Smith's 150th. Submit your own using our love story submission form.