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Prizes & Awards 2007

The following prizes were awarded at the Last Chapel Awards Convocation on Ivy Day, May 19, 2007.

American Studies

The Newton Arvin Prize in American Studies for the best long paper in the introductory course on the Study of American Society and Culture to Laura Putnam ’10 and Kathleen Reutter ’09

The Eleanor Flexner Prize for the best piece of work by a Smith undergraduate using the Sophia Smith Collection and the Smith Archives to Leah Webb-Halpern ’07

The Nancy Boyd Gardner Prize for an outstanding paper or other project in American studies by a Smithsonian intern or American studies major to Emily Burrows ’07, Rebecca Mueller ’08 and Kathryn Sutton ’08

The Donald H. Sheehan Memorial Prize for outstanding work in American studies to Julianna LaBruto ’07 and Rachel Gelfand ’07


The Samuel Bowles Prize for the best paper on an anthropological subject to Nicole Ambrosio ’07 and Jessie Fredlund ’07


The Megan Hart Jones Studio Art Prize for judged work in drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic arts or architecture to Arielle Marks ’08

The Phyllis Williams Lehmann Travel Award to a graduating senior majoring in art, with preference given to students interested in studying art history, especially classical art, at the graduate level to Anne Goodner ’07, Sarah-Neel Smith ’07 and Carolyn Trench ’07

The Elizabeth Killian Roberts Prize for the best drawing by an undergraduate to Syretha Brooks ’08

The Enid Silver Winslow ’54 Prize in Art History for the best student paper written in an art history course taught at Smith to Laura Sumser ’07

Museum of Art

The Tryon Prize to a Smith student (or Five College student in a Smith class) for the best installation, digital media or performance art inspired by a work of art or exhibit at the Museum of Art to Rose Baldwin ’09, Lila Dodge ’09, Kelsey Siepser ’07 and Abby Walton ’07


The Sarah Winter Pokora Prize to a senior who has excelled in athletics and academics to Deborah Sasges ’07


The Margaret Wemple Brigham Prize to a senior for excellence in the study of microbiology or immunology to Gertrude Cloyd ’07, Talya Davis-Johnson ’07 and Jenna Lovaas ’07

The Amey Randall Brown Prize for the best essay on a botanical subject to—First Prize: Maribeth Kniffin ’08J and Barrett Phillips ’08; Second Prize: Trea Schumacher ’09 and Katherine Thompson ’07

The Esther Carpenter Biology Prize in general biology to a first-year woman graduate student to Yutian Gan GR and Jasmine Loveland GR

Helen Hills Hills Chapel

The Kathleen Bostwick Boyden Prize to a member of the Service Organizations of Smith demon-strating initiative in her volunteer contributions to the community to Julie Esterline ’07J

The Mollie Rogers/Newman Association Prize to a student who has demonstrated a dedication to humanity and a clear vision for translating that dedication into service that fosters peace and justice among people of diverse cultures to Emily Cox ’07

The Newman Association Prize for outstanding leadership, dedication and service to the Newman Association at Smith College to Aimee Vickery ’07

The Deborah Sosland-Edelman Prize to a senior for outstanding leadership in the Jewish community at Smith and valuable contribution to Smith College campus life to Angela Foss ’07 and Rachel Rubenstein ’07


The American Chemical Society/ Polymer Education Division Organic Chemistry Award to Aileen Novero ’09

The American Institute of Chemists/New England Division prize to an outstanding chemist, biochemist or chemical engineer in the graduating class to Kathryn Robinson ’07

The Connecticut Valley Section of the American Chemical Society Award to a student who has done outstanding work in chemistry, biochemistry or chemical engineering to Lesley Eckert ’07J

The American Chemical Society/Division of Analytical Chemistry Award to a junior chemistry major who has excelled in analytical chemistry to Maureen Reilly ’08

The C. Pauline Burt Prize to a senior majoring in chemistry or biochemistry who has shown high potential for further study in science to Lesley Eckert ’07J and Ana-Florina Voica ’07

The CRC Press Introductory Chemistry Achievement Award in introductory chemistry to Stephanie Erickson ’10, Elyse Macksoud ’10, Pyae Naing ’10 and Anna Reznickova ’10

The Hause-Scheffer Memorial Prize to a senior majoring in chemistry with the best record in that subject to Fadzai Chinyengetere ’07 and Kristina Closser ’07

The Hellman Award in Biochemistry for outstanding achievement in the second semester of biochemistry to Ann Plum ’07

The Rosenfeld Award in Organic Chemistry for excellence in the first semester of organic chemistry to Caitlin Logan ’09 and Katherine Morrice ’07


The John Everett Brady Prize for excellence in translation of Latin at sight to—First Prize: Lindsay Sears ’07; Second Prize: Elaine Chan ’07; and for the best performance in the beginning Latin course to Sarah Allen ’10 and Sarah Moen ’07

The Julia Harwood Caverno Prize for the best performance in the beginning Greek course to Leah Wilner-Deutsch ’09 and Cassandra Wilson ’08J

The Alice Hubbard Derby Prize to a member of the junior or senior class for excellence in the translation of Greek at sight to Ashleigh Golden ’07, and to a member of the junior or senior class for excellence in the study of Greek literature in the year in which the award is made to F. Sheldon Ball AC 07

The George E. Dimock Prize for the best essay on a classical subject to Ashleigh Golden ’07 and Kathryn Jalowiec ’07

Computer Science

The Bert Mendelson Prize to a sophomore for excellence in computer science to Hannah Bier ’09; and for excellence in the computer science major to a senior to Alexandra Booth ’07 and Kelsey Livingston ’07

Office of the Dean of the College

The David C. Burres Memorial Law Prize to a senior or an alumna accepted at law school intending to practice law in the public interest to Uzma Burney ’03, Lisa Redmond ’07 and Rachel Rothman ’07

The Arthur Ellis Hamm Prize awarded on the basis of the best first-year student’s record to Heather Adair ’09, Kathleen Reutter ’09 and Maya Weis-Haas ’09

The Barbara Jordan Prize for the Study of Law or Public Policy to an African-American senior or alumna undertaking a career in law or public policy to Ifetayo Davidson-Cade ’01 and Aida Hoag ’02

The Juliet Evans Nelson Award to graduating seniors for their contributions to the Smith community and demonstrated commitment to campus life to Julie Goshe ’07, Marissa Maples ’07 and Gabriela Molinolo AC 07

The Victoria L. Schrager Prize to a
senior who has maintained a distinguished academic record and has also taken an important part in student activities to Kara Kharma AC 07

The Ruth Dietrich Tuttle Prize to encourage further study, travel or research in the areas of international relations, race relations or peace studies to Laurie Guerrero-Garcés AC 08 and Aubrey Menard ’08

Debate Society

The Andrew C. Slater Prize for excellence in debate to Tamar Malloy ’07 and for most improved debater to Traci Kuratomi ’09

East Asian Languages and Literatures

The Ettie Chin Hong ’36 Prize to a senior major or minor in East Asian Languages and Literatures for leadership and academic achievement intending to pursue a career in education or service to immigrant and needy communities to Dana Berte ’08 and Rebecca Youngdahl-Lombardi ’07J


The Samuel Bowles Prize for the best thesis on an economics subject to Ayse Ozsoz ’07 and Sreya Ray ’07

The Sidney S. Cohen Prize for outstanding work in the field of economics to Yoon Young Choy ’07, Kwun Suen Miu ’07, Ayse Ozsoz ’07 and Anh Nguyet Ta ’07


The Adeline Devor Penberthy, Class of 1945, Memorial Prize to an undergraduate engineering major for academic excellence in engineering and outstanding contributions toward building a community of learners within the Picker Engineering Program to Linda Sorto ’07

The Nancy Hellman Prize, established in 2005, to the Smith engineering student who has made extraordinary contributions to the advancement of women in engineering to Netty Nina ’07

The Ford Motor Company Prize for Sustainability to a student who has distinguished herself for her work in support of a sustainable environment to Najia Ahmed ’09 and Jessica Wilbarger ’08


The Anne Bradstreet Prize from the Academy of American Poets for the best poem or group of poems submitted by an undergraduate to Sara Brickman ’07

The Elizabeth Babcock Poetry Prize for the best group of poems to Tyler Davis ’07 and Alysse McCanna-Davidson ’07

The Eleanor Cederstrom Prize for the best poem by an undergraduate written in the traditional verse form to Katherine McGriff ’07

The Ethel Olin Corbin Prize to an undergraduate for the best original poem or informal essay in English to Kimberley Rogers AC 08

The Elizabeth Drew Prize for the best honors thesis to Lucy Morse ’07; for the best fiction writing to Maria Sclafani ’08; for the best essay on a literary subject by a first-year student to Molly Hamer ’10; and for the best classroom essay to Katherine McGriff ’07

The Ruth Forbes Eliot Poetry Prize for the best poem submitted by a first-year student or sophomore to Hannah Dunning ’09

The Clara French Prize to a senior who has advanced furthest in the study of English language and literature to Katherine McGriff ’07

The Helen Kate Furness Prize for the best essay on a Shakespearean theme to Lucy Morse ’07

The Vernon Harward Prize to the best student scholar of Chaucer to Claire Serafin ’07

The James T. and Ellen M. Hatfield Memorial Prize for the best short story by a senior majoring in English to Beth Harrington ’08J

The Mary Augusta Jordan Prize to a senior for the most original piece of literary work in prose or verse to Priscilla McElmurry ’07

The Norma M. Leas, Class of 1939, Memorial Prize to a graduating English major for excellence in written English to Katherine McGriff ’07

The Elizabeth Montagu Prize for the best essay on a literary subject concerning women to Salima Hamirani AC 07 and Melina Moore ’09

The Gertrude Posner Spencer Prize for excellence in writing fiction to Bridget Arsenault ’08 and Anna Megill AC 08; and for excellence in writing nonfiction prose to Jessica Lerman AC 08

The Rosemary Thomas Poetry Prize for the best group of poems to Laurie Guerrero-Garcés AC 08 and Katherine Herr ’07


The Césaire Prize for excellence in an essay or other project in French by a junior or a senior on campus to Sarah-Neel Smith ’07

The Ruth Alpern Leipziger Prize to an outstanding French major participating in the Junior Year Abroad Program in Paris to Meredith Badler ’08, Elizabeth Dulac ’08, Meredith Duncan ’08 and Doribel Tercero-Parker ’08

The Josephine Ott Prize to a junior
in Paris or Geneva for her commit-ment to the French language and European civilization to Ellen Bauer ’08, Alexandra Botti ’08, Christina Cheung ’08, Eileen Friedman ’08 and Anastasia Solovaniuk ’08

The Rousseau Prize for academic excellence to a member of the junior or senior class studying with the Smith College junior year abroad program in Geneva to Min Ji Kim ’08

The Voltaire Prize to a sophomore for an essay or other project in French that shows originality and engagement with her subject to Britni Steingard ’09


The Mineralogical Society of America Undergraduate Award for excellence in the field of mineralogy to Stephanie Moore ’07


The Anita Luria Ascher Memorial Prize to a senior German major who began German when she arrived at Smith and has made unusual progress to MacKenzie Brigham ’07; to a senior German major who knew some German when she arrived at Smith and whose progress in four years has been considerable to Saloma Furlong AC07J; and to the senior nonmajor who started German at Smith and made exceptional progress to Heather Hughes ’07


The Dawes Prize for the best undergraduate work on political science to Leslie James ’07, Shayla Livingston ’07, Amanda Parsons ’07 and Katherine Rood ’07


The Gladys Lampert ’28 and Edward Beenstock Prize to a student who excels in either American history or American studies to Julianna LaBruto ’07 and Sophia Lenarz-Coy ’07

The Vera Lee Brown Prize for excellence in history to a senior majoring in history in regular course to Melody Sabine AC07J

The Hazel L. Edgerly Prize to a senior honors history student for distinguished work in that subject to JoAnna Wall ’07

The Thomas Corwin Mendenhall Prize for an essay evolving from any history course, excluding special studies, seminars and honors long papers, to Alana Speth ’08


The Michele Cantarella Memorial “Dante Prize” to a Smith College senior for the best essay in Italian on any aspect of The Divine Comedy to Maria Lagdameo ’07 and Hilary Sims ’07

The Anacleta C. Vezzetti Prize to a senior for the best piece of writing in Italian on any aspect of the culture of Italy to Natallia Andryianava ’07J and Andrea Cáceres ’07

Jewish Studies

The Sidney Balman Prize for outstand-ing work in the Jewish Studies Pro-gram to Rebekah Saidman-Krauss ’07J

Landscape Studies

The Susan Cohen ’62 and Paula Deitz ’59 Prize in Landscape Studies for excellence in a thesis, paper, or project that examines the science, design or culture of the built environment to Jamie Duncan AC 07 and Shu Liu ’09


The Suzan Rose Benedict Prize to
a sophomore for excellence in mathematics to Ester Matlock ’09, Rebecca Tramel ’09 and Kristin Tyler ’09

The Ann Kirsten Pokora Prize to a senior with a distinguished academic record in mathematics to Juan Li ’07 and Duc Nguyen ’07


The Harriet Dey Barnum Prize for outstanding work in music to the best all-around student of music in the senior class to Anna Naito ’07

The Constance Kambour Edwards Prize to the student who has shown the most progress in organ to Victoria Fraser ’10

The Ida Deck Haigh Memorial Prize to a student of piano for distinguished achievement in performance and related musical disciplines to Samantha You ’09

The Sarah Hamilton Memorial Prize for the best essay on music to Anna Naito ’07

The Emogene Mahony Memorial Prize for proficiency at the organ to Amy Lewis ’10

The Judith Raskin Memorial Prize for the outstanding senior voice student to Jennifer Maurer ’07


The Florence Corliss Lamont Prize, a medal awarded for work in philosophy, to Salima Hamirani ’07

The John S. Mekeel Memorial Prize to a senior for outstanding work in philosophy to Emily Altreuter ’07, Emily Ellithorpe-Luker ’07, Emily Farquharson ’07 and Sarah Moen ’07


The Adelaide W. Bull Paganelli ’30 Prize for outstanding work in physics and high potential for further study to Josine Greenblatt ’07, Elizabeth Jensen ’07, Selamnesh Nida ’07 and Carolyn Tewksbury ’07

The Frank A. Waterman Prize to a senior who has done excellent work in physics to Jennifer Guth ’07


The James Gardner Buttrick Prize for the best essay in the field of religion and biblical literature to Rebekah Saidman-Krauss ’07

The Henry Lewis Foote Memorial Prize for excellence in biblical studies to Kathryn Fox ’07 and Rachel Rubenstein ’07

The Jochanan H. A. Wijnhoven Prize for the best essay on a subject in Jewish religious thought written for a course in the Department of Religion or in the Program in Jewish Studies to Chelsea Kline AC07 and Rachel Rubenstein ’07


The Department of Russian Prize for the best work in Russian literature by a senior majoring in Russian to Annie Alcid ’07 and Hilary Martin ’07


The Samuel Bowles Prize for the best paper on a sociological subject Kristen Nelson ’07

The Arthur Shattuck Parsons Memorial Prize to the student with the outstanding paper in sociological theory or its application to Danielle Le Clere ’07


The Yvonne Sarah Bernhardt Buerger Prize to the students who have made the most notable contribution to the dramatic activities of the college to Jenna Augenlicht ’07, Krystal Banzon ’07, Jacquelyn Marolt ’07 and Leta Tremblay ’07

The Marilyn Knapp Campbell Prize to the student excelling in stage management to Ellys Abrams ’07 and Kelsey Livingston ’07

The Samuel A. Eliot, Jr./Julia Heflin Award for distinguished directing in the theatre to Jenna Augenlicht ’07 and Leta Tremblay ’07

The Denis Johnston Playwriting Award for the best play or musical written by an undergraduate at Amherst, Hampshire, Mount Holyoke or Smith colleges or the University of Massachusetts to—First Prize: Rachel Lerner-Ley ’08; Second Prize: Darren Harned, Hampshire; Third Prize: Michael Marceline, University of Massachusetts, and Allison Schein ’07; Honorable Mention: Desiree Akhavan ’07, Rachel Appel ’09 and Hilary Goldberg ’08

The Peggy Clark Kelly Design Prize for a student demonstrating exceptional achievement in lighting, costume or set design to Mira Greene ’07, Casey Legler ’07 and Abby Walton ’07

The Jill Cummins MacLean Prize to a drama major for outstanding dramatic achievement with a comic touch in writing, acting or dance to Yea Bin Oh ’08

The Rita Singler Prize for outstanding achievement in technical theatre to Emily Ewing ’07 and Julianna Gillespie ’09

The Denton Snyder Acting Prize to a Smith senior who has demonstrated distinguished acting in the theatre to Jenna Augenlicht ’07, Callie Blake ’07, Brett Matthewson ’07, Alison Scher ’07 and Katrina Ylimaki ’07

Program for the Study of Women and Gender

The Jeanne McFarland Prize, awarded annually by the Program for the Study of Women and Gender and the Project on Women and Social Change for excellent work in the study of women and gender to Laurie Guerrero-Garcés AC07, Eva Hageman ’07, Melissa MacDonald ’07, Kristen Nelson ’07, Elizabeth Tonti ’07J and Julia Williams ’07

The Meg Quigley Prize, awarded annually for the best work in SWG 150 Introduction to the Study of Women and Gender to Allyson Einbinder ’10 and Ashley Farnan ’10

The Valeria Dean Burgess Stevens Prize, awarded annually by the Program for the Study of Women and Gender and the Project on Women and Social Change for excellent work in the study of women and gender to to Salima Hamirani ’07 and Margaret Sowell ’07