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News & Events

Check this page regularly to get the latest updates from the Jacobson Center. The center regularly schedules events and shares writing resources and inspiration. We welcome your ideas, too! Email

Smith Writes

Smith Writes is currently accepting submissions. Review the submission guidelines.

An image of a manual typewriter

Meet the Staff

Learn more about working with the Jacobson Center. Meet the staff and learn about the center’s services in our “Introduction to the Jacobson Center” video.

Jacobson Center News

“For those of us who write, it is necessary to scrutinize not only the truth of what we speak, but the truth of that language by which we speak it.”
Audre Lorde

Jacobson Center Telegram

Issued in early fall and maybe in the winter, too, the Jacobson Center newsletter is aimed at the entire college community of staff, faculty, and students.  Its aim is to update the community on the accomplishments of the Jacobson Center staff, to notify it about upcoming events, to offer news specifically for faculty, and to feature a short perspective on writing or the work of the center. Read the Spring 2024 issue here.

Featured Writing

Helen Bezuneh ’23

Helen Bezuneh ’23 is a Mellon Mays fellow at Smith majoring in Africana studies. Read her article, “It’s Time We Talk About Blackfishing.”

Grace Huang ’24

In her essay “Feminism Between Generations,” written for Smith Writes, Grace Huang ’24 reflects on the significance of femininity in her life.

Black and white illustration

Dana Chen

For the class Writing Philosophy for the Public Sphere, Dana Chen ’20 wrote “Decrimininalizing Sex Work Is a Human Rights Issue.”

Unsplash photo showing backs of people who are holding signs at a protest