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Inclement Weather Information

Due to inclement weather, Neilson, Josten, and Hillyer Libraries will be closed on Sunday, February 16. Check for updates and further information. 

The College has declared a snow parking ban, effective from 2 p.m. on Saturday, February 15 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, February 16

Resources Beyond DTI

For further exploration of all things Design Thinking, check out these links, tools, and places!

Materials & Supply Sources

  • Northampton Wools  - Lovely yarn store downtown 
  • Swansons Fabrics - Cheap second hand fabric and yarn in Turner’s Falls, MA
  • Old Stone Mill - Zero Waste Makerspace in Adams, MA. Great supplier for an incredible variety of second hand making materials, including fabric, sewing machines, paper, and industrial equipment. 
  • Valley Fabrics - local fabric and sewing store with cool quilting print fabrics. 
  • Make and Mend Shop - various second hand art supplies
  • Foster Farrar - Downtown Hardware Store 
  • Looky Here - a multi-functional Art space that provides affordable and donated art supplies and music equipment
  • WEBS - America’s yarn store is located in Northampton
  • Guild Art Supply - art supply store in Easthampton that delivers to Smith on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Sustainable Materials Resources

Publications and Media

  • AIGA Eye On Design articles, op eds and featured woks bent towards Graphic Design
  • Alice Rawsthorn is a design critic who writes a lot in Frieze a contemporary art and culture publication 
  • Dezeen is an architecture and design magazine that you can key word search
  • Metropolis Magazine is also an architecture and design magazine you can key word search
  • Core77 is an Industrial Design Magazine
  • Fast Company focusing on innovation in tech, leadership and design
  • GOOD magazine where you can click the upper right hand corner to explore by topics
  • Stanford Social Innovation Review covering cross-sector solutions to global problems
  • Places - public scholarship on architecture, landscape, and urbanism
  • Ask Nature was founded in 2006 by Janine Benyus and Bryony Schwan to share nature’s design lessons with the people who design and make our world.
  • The Biomimicry Institute provides tools to develop sustainable solutions for a balanced ecosystem by empowering people to learn and apply nature-inspired strategies in design.
  • Healthy Materials Lab a design research lab at Parsons School of Design. We are dedicated to a world in which people’s health is placed at the center of all design decisions.
  • The CHEMARTS Cookbook offers both simple and more advanced ideas and recipes for hands-on experiments with wood-based materials.