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Required Title IX Training

July 16, 2019

Dear staff and faculty,

At Smith College, we take seriously our obligation to maintain an environment that is free of sexual and gender-based discrimination, including harassment and violence. Such conduct interferes with the security, well-being and professional climate of our community. It impedes academic success as well as access to educational and employment opportunities. As part of our commitment, we are launching a mandatory online training program for all current and newly hired staff and faculty called Not Anymore. The training focuses on our obligations under Title IX, which prohibits sexual misconduct in all educational institutions that receive federal funding. Online training on this important topic is the most effective way to reach our 1,000+ employees.

Not Anymore is an online video-based program that provides critical information about consent, bystander intervention, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking, and healthy relationships. In addition, Not Anymore has integrated Smith College’s Gender-Based and Sexual Misconduct Policy into its materials. This training is an important step in continuing to build our awareness of sexual misconduct, how we can prevent it, and how we should respond to it.

Next week, you will receive instructions for completing the training. If at any time you have questions or concerns regarding the training, or if you require accommodations, such as technical assistance, please contact Amy at or x2141.


Kathleen McCartney
President, Smith College