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Tess Grogan

Lecturer in English Language & Literature


Henshaw B1 # 205


Tess Grogan received her bachelor’s in English from Smith College and her MPhil in Renaissance literature from the University of St. Andrews in Scotland on a Marshall Scholarship. Her teaching has ranged from Shakespeare's global afterlives to courses on contemporary wilderness writing and sci-fi. She is a doctoral candidate at Yale University, where her research focuses on death, memorialization, and fictions of social equality in late Elizabethan military literature. She specializes in early modern epic romance and the chivalric tradition, and has written about sexual violence in Ariosto, race and mourning in Spenser, early modern pedagogy, YA feminist fantasy, and Ursula K. Le Guin.

Selected Publications

“Appropriate Shakespeare: The Bard, the World, and ‘I,’” Studies in English Literature 1500-1900, 62.1 (2022) (Special Issue: World, Globe, Planet)

“‘Gather Up the Reliques of Thy Race’: Paynim Remains in Faeryland,” Spenser Studies 35 (2021): 153-179 (Special Issue: Spenser and Race)

“Speculative Bill,” Spenser Studies 34 (2020): 215-225

Office Hours

Spring 2024

Thursday 2-4 p.m. 
and by appointment.


M.Phil, University of St. Andrews
B.A., Smith College

Selected Works in Smith ScholarWorks