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Lynette Ng ’93

Alumnae Poet

Lynette Ng

Lynette Ng is fond of pasta and public libraries. She studied English and Psychology at Smith College,  Creative Writing at Mills College, and Culinary Arts at the New England Culinary Institute. Her poems have appeared in the  Indiana Review and the Beloit Poetry Journal; the one below was published in AGNI Online. Lynette was born in Malaysia and currently lives near Boston. 


Select Poems

Hiroko, this is a newsflash

on wavelengths

that are nothing like Tokyo’s:

there is a shortage of snow, and gravity

remains an enigma. All that talk

over technology—tired tracks of light

bending and folding up

like clockwork and bass clefs.

Every week, I concede a point

of inflection. Remember

when they used to say

karaoke? Now stars are shrinking

past the event horizon; the escape

speed of phonemes is astonishing.

You know how Mercury charts

an eccentric orbit—there are no stop signs

on these highways; not enough

vinegar in the rice.