Global Illumination Photo Submission
Thank you for your interest in Smith’s first Global Illumination event. We are no longer accepting photo submissions but you can still participate by posting a photo of your lantern to social media, using the hashtag #smithilluminates.
You can also explore the Global Illumination map to witness the outpouring of support for the class of 2021. Each glowing orb represents a lantern submitted by members of the Smith College community around the world.
Join us for Global Illumination Night 2021, a worldwide event to honor the great class of 2021 and celebrate the deep connections all Smithies share.
Find a lantern, lamp or candle and light it to honor the Smith seniors.
Take a picture and upload it here.
Or post it on social media with the hashtag #smithilluminates.
Together, let’s show the graduates our 55,000 points of light shining brightly.