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Statement on Media Access at November 18 Student Sit-In


College Hall front drive

Published November 20, 2015

On Wednesday, November 18, Smith College students organized a sit-in at the Campus Center in solidarity with students at the University of Missouri, Yale and other institutions. 

Upon learning of the students’ restrictions, media relations staff were forced to make a decision in the moment about how to balance reporters’ needs and the students’ strong opposition to having reporters in attendance unless they expressed “solidarity.” On balance, as strongly as the college prefers to err on the side of a campus open to media, the students’ opposition to it at their own event—which they had created and were hosting—was honored. Media relations staff told media that the access terms for the sit-in were established by the organizers, and introduced media to the organizers to make their requests.

Several media reports have inaccurately characterized the college as supporting restrictions on media; the college supports no such restrictions nor do we or will we ban media at public events.

As previously announced, a town hall listening session is being organized by the college and will be held on Monday, November 23. Media will be allowed.