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Apply for FMS 280

Are you a Film & Media Studies major?
In what semester did you take Introduction to Film and Media Studies (FMS150) or its equivalent on another campus?
Why do you want to take this course? What would you like to accomplish in it?
Have you taken any film or video production or digital art classes? Do you have experience with video production outside of a college class?
Have you taken any other Film & Media Studies classes? Please list them.
In this course we will make one short video working within narrative, documentary, and experimental/hybrid modes. Please write a brief, general description of a project you might like to create in the course.

Apply for Film & Media Studies FMS 280

FMS 280, Introduction to Video Production, will provide a foundation in the principles, techniques, and equipment involved in making short videos, including: development of a viable story idea or concept, aesthetics and mechanics of shooting video, the role of sound and successful audio recording, and the conceptual and technical underpinnings of digital editing. You will make several short pieces through the semester, working towards a longer final piece. Along with projects and screenings, there will be reading assignments and writing exercises. Prerequisite: FMS 150 or its equivalent (can be taken concurrently). Application and permission of instructor required. Enrollment limited to 12. {A} Credits: 4

Instructor: Anaiis Cisco; time: Wednesday 1:20 - 4:00



Are you a Film & Media Studies major?
In what semester did you take Introduction to Film and Media Studies (FMS150) or its equivalent on another campus?
Why do you want to take this course? What would you like to accomplish in it?
Have you taken any film or video production or digital art classes? Do you have experience with video production outside of a college class?
Have you taken any other Film & Media Studies classes? Please list them.
In this course we will make one short video working within narrative, documentary, and experimental/hybrid modes. Please write a brief, general description of a project you might like to create in the course.