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About Us

Our Mission

Educational Technology Services supports and advocates technology that enhances the academic mission of Smith College. We value service, collaboration, and innovation.

Our Values

  • We provide excellent service.
  • We support activities in many aspects of academic life, including curricular and co-curricular events.
  • We collaborate with otherSmith organizations to provide top-quality academic support and service, including the Library, the Jacobson Center for Writing, Teaching, and Learning, the Quantitative Learning Center, College Relations, Student Affairs, and other units supporting faculty, students, and staff.
  • We encourage innovation in our work place, including innovative technologies, and innovative ways of thinking.
  • We develop our products and services within the context of effective pedagogical practices.

Our Services

Educational Technology Services has four functional areas:

Classroom Support, x3474
The Classroom Support Team provides high quality technology support through the effective implementation and service of equipment plus training in our learning spaces, utilizing both current and emerging technologies for the purpose of enhancing the teaching and learning experience at Smith College.

Media Production, x2954
The Center for Media Production, located in the lower level of the Alumnae Gymnasium, offers support for video and audio production. The center includes a studio, video production lab, audio recording booth, and a wide assortment of equipment available for checkout. We are available to assist with media project planning, development, and production.

Teaching & Research, x3020
Our work with faculty focuses on teaching, learning, and research and how technology can enhance or aid these.  We offer individual pedagogical consultations, workshops, seminars, faculty learning communities, and evaluation of educational technology.  We collaborate with the Sherrerd Center for Teaching and Learning and other departments that focus on teaching and learning.

Application Administration. We make sure that systems such as Moodle, Digication, Coursecast, Luna, and other college-wide academic software are running effectively and efficiently.