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Content Layout

The following templates provide options for presenting your content. To maintain consistency, these templates should be used to add new site pages.

Image of homepage layoutHome Page

  • Photo collage module is unique to home page
  • First photo in collage will refresh with new image on page load
  • On rollover, images change color and button will link out to topic pages within the site
  • Photos must be added in correct sizes; CMS does not resize
  • Images drop from collage area on home page in mobile view
  • Home page includes modules for Smith in the Moment (news), Notable Dates (events) and social media feeds and footer callout (Visiting Smith)

Wide page layoutWide Template


  • Topic page
  • Major content section landing page (Giving to Smith)
  • Audience gateway page (For Faculty-Staff)
  • Listing/directory page (Offices)
  • Single-page sites
  • Filter listing page


  • Color selection is based on site section; see Color Palette for more information
  • Hero image
  • Introductory text

Right rail layoutRight Rail Template


  • Primary content template
  • Used for academic department pages; etc
  • Starts at tier-2 pages and can be used anywhere below; multiple layers of navigation are possible
  • Cannot include a banner (T1, T2, etc.)
  • "Parent" pages (the main nav links in the right rail) typically include a photo at the top.

Content Area Image
800 x 450 px (16 x 9)

The system will automatically size the image for desktop, tablet and mobile users. Keeping a standard photo size helps keep the site clean and consistent, and allows images to be used in multiple places.

Layout detailFaculty Bio Template


  • Faculty bios
  • News
  • Contact information and office hours
  • Degrees
  • Additional links can link out to personal and department websites, research, CV, etc.
  • Biography pages can be tagged to multiple departments
  • Photos must be square and no smaller than 500 x 500 px

Faculty page layoutFaculty Directory Template


  • Unique page template for faculty directory landing page


  • Tier 2 (T2) banner image
  • Anchor link filter by alphabet
  • Filter by department drop down
  • Shows image, name and title; image and name are clickable
  • If no image is available, a grey block is shown
  • Department filters can be found here.

degrees and programs layoutCourses of Study Template


  • Utilizes Wide template layout for header banner image
  • Unique module experience under Explore Courses of Study
    • Blocks have rollover state and take user to academic department landing pages
    • This module will only be used on the Courses of Study landing page
    • Tabs will open up new set of block links

utility layout Utility Template


  • Search results