b'thank you!F O R Y O U R C O N T I N U E D S U P P O R T O F S C M ALynne Graves (event; portrait);schema 2018 I 2019 Photography: Petegorsky/Gipe (art); Publication director: Jessica Nicoll 83 Maureen Sullivan (NAYM); andManaging editor/creative director:Shana Surek (Fall 2018 First Looks) Margi Caplan Thanks to this years many faculty, studentCover and text pages Writer/editor: Jennifer Gottlieb and staff contributors for sharing theirprinted on FSC certifiedAssistant editors: Martha Ebner, stories, experiences and points of view. and recycled paper using vegetable-based inks.Lauren Shea-Warner, Louise KriegerPhotography editors: Martha Ebner, SCHEMA 20182019 was produced with Margi Caplan support from the Maxine Weil Kunstadter, Copy editor/proofreader: Margot Cleary class of 1924, Fund, The Art Museum Directors Initiative Fund and the Friends of the Museum Gift Fund. Design/art direction: David Edge DesignDesign editing: Alexis Neubert, Every effort has been made to ensure the Alexis Design accuracy of information throughout this Printing: Hadley Printing publication. Please contact the Marketing and Communications Office with anyquestions.'