b'above:Boat by Lucy Liu 21 above:Wrappings by Haley Peterson 19smith student engagement TRYON PRIZES 2019 THE TRYON PRIZE FOR WRITING is a juried award inTHE TRYON PRIZE FOR ART is awarded by jury for recognition of outstanding writing related to art seenoutstanding art in the form of installation, performance, at SCMA. This years prize was awarded to a seeminglyvideo, digital, internet or interactive art. Two installations unlikely environmental science and policy programshared this years prize: Wrappings by Haley Peterson 19 honors thesis, Embodied Toxicity in the Plasticene: BPA,and Boat by Lucy Liu 21.BPS, and the Political Ecology of Endocrine Disruption by Athena Sofides 19 During the period of time in which Wrappings was created, I was thinking a lot about the concept of 46 The two greatest influences in this work a e mypreservation. A community that I am a part of had laboratory research, which focused on the embodiedjust recently lost a young person to suicide, and my toxicity of chemicals in plastics, and the Plasticinstinct in grief was to preserve the precious things Entanglements exhibition on display at the Smithin my life, to take care of them and protect them College Museum of Art. Without this exhibition,from harm. As a response to this tragedy, and as a the weaving together of disciplinary and personalmanifestation of my own grief, I turned to my art-bounds for which I have strived in this projectwork, and decided to use the site-specific p oject would not have been possible. In writing aboutto examine the nature of preservation. Plastic Entanglements, I was able to add visual artHaley Peterson 19to my analyses of critical theory, political ecology, science/technology studies, feminist/queer theory,The river that separates me from my homeland is environmental health sciences and developmentalwide, but I will cross it nevertheless, a reed as my biology to situate the entangled nexus of materiality,boat.(or Book of Songs)culture, economy and ecology in which the plastic sits. Athena Sofides 1 Reeds are a temporal material, yet with this giant- scale immersive installation I made from them a Honorable mention was shared by Yasmine Vera 20 forvessel that moves through the ages. I cut brittle, the essay High Tide: Submerged Histories and Mutabledead reeds by the frozen pond, and connected Being in El Muro and Aidan Wright 22 for the poemthem piece by piece until they took up the entirety Nurture Museum. of a 15-by-15-foot room. The structure forms a loop, forever without a beginning or an end.Lucy Liu 21smith student engagement'