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Margaret-Avis Akofio-Sowah ’10


Where are you from?

Accra, Ghana.

Did you always know you wanted to come to Smith?

I found out about Smith during my college search in my senior year of high school. I really liked the idea of having women on the forefront of anything and everything and I realized, especially with engineering, I would be more successful in a women's college than a mixed school.


When was the last time you wore a dress?

My really good friend's 21st birthday part on June 30, 2007.

What are you reading now?

The Joys of Motherhood by Buchi Emecheta, partly for fun and coincidentally for my Comparative Lit class.

Do you eat fast food?

Sometimes...when I feel like it.

What do you miss most about home?

Seeing my parents every day and seeing my cousins very often. Seeing my family often.

What is your favorite movie?

I don't have one. I like a lot of different things.

If you suddenly had two hours of free time, what would you do?

I would check my mail (and Facebook) then finish up on all the engineering homework I have.

What is your favorite wall hanging in your room?

My country's flag.

Do you consider yourself an urban, suburban or rural person?

Suburban. I can't stand rural and urban is sometimes too much.

What annoys the heck out of you? 


Who are your role models?

I don't really have role models. I want to be the best I can be.

What single piece of advice would you give to President Christ?

Do what you think is best but listen to other people's questions.

9/18/07   Compiled by Eric Sean Weld
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