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Keeping Our Campus Healthy

Step 1: Get the flu vaccine if you have not done so

Step 2: Wash your hands often

Step 3: Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing

With this year’s sporadic winter weather, the Smith community is suffering its usual rash of colds and influenza during flu season -- the runny noses and scratchy coughs and sneezes that become the workplace accompaniment during the frigid months.

Smith College takes several steps to subvert the flu virus’ rampage through campus, including administering 375 flu vaccines this year. Health Services increased its supply of the flu vaccine in anticipation of more need this year, and has an ample supply remaining, says Les Jaffe, college physician and director of Health Services.

But staying healthy is in the hands, literally, of individuals. Washing hands is proven to be among the most effective methods of fighting debilitating flu and cold viruses.

To assist that effort, the college has installed hand sanitizers, each filled with dry disinfectant, near the exits in some academic and administrative campus buildings and just outside college dining rooms. Ideally, before entering or leaving these locations, you should clean your hands using the disinfectant sanitizer (because the soap is dry, there is no need to wipe your hands).

Please notice also the fliers around campus reminding you to wash your hands and to “Cover Your Cough” -- that is, cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing to mitigate the spread of germs.

2/7/07   Eric Sean Weld
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