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Elan McCollum ’08

Jan Arbaugh ’07

Alesandra Sandin ’07

Amanda Bird ’07

Emily Ellithorpe-Luker ’07

Shadavia Jones ’10

Merrilyn Lewis, advancement

Sam Rush, theatre

Christine Carr Hill, advancement

Mary Martineau, advancement

Sidnie Davis ’08

Rene Heavlow AC’08, WFI

Talia Levy ’10

Samantha Lewis ’08


Where are you from?

Springfield, Mass., which is approximately 20 miles south of Northampton.

Did you always know you wanted to come to Smith?

Originally, I thought I would end up at a large university in Boston, but when I received a Smith guidebook in the summer before my senior year, I knew Smith was for me. Smith is the only college I applied to, because I was extremely confident that I belonged here.


Who gets the most face time with you?

My computer. Its name is Henry, and I have a feeling he is getting sick of me.

What are you reading now?

I am in the midst of reading multiple books, but the last book I successfully completed was Hitler and Women: The Love Life of Adolf Hitler, by Ian Sayer and Douglas Botting. As strange as it sounds, it was a fascinating book, though I would advise against reading it in public places. People give you funny looks.

What is your favorite movie?

This is the most difficult question to answer. I will say that my two favorite movies are Top Gun and The 40-year old Virgin, because I have a tendency to quote lines from them.

If you suddenly had two hours of free time, what would you do?

I would go to the gym. I live in Baldwin this year, and I tend to skip the long walk to the gym.

What is your favorite wall hanging in your room?

I love a poster I have from the Metropolitan Museum of Art by my favorite painter, Gilbert Stuart. He did the early presidential paintings, and my poster is one of his paintings of George Washington, recreated Andy Warhol-style.

If you could live during any period in time and in any place -- when and

After taking Dan Horowitz’s Contemporary America course, I really wish I had lived in 1950s America. The poodle skirts, the “Dating and Rating,” and the turquoise colored cars just make my heart melt.

Who is your dearest friend?

I do not have one dearest friend; I have a group of them. Four of my high school swim teammates and I are a group we like to call “C-Unit” (our take on the rap group G-Unit), and they are the best friends I could ever have. It has been awhile since I have seen them, but we had a “C-Unit Reunion” planned during J-Term!

What annoys the heck out of you?

I cannot stand how entitled Northampton drivers think they are. Crosswalks are designed for a reason, and I have the right to use them. I almost was hit an hour ago crossing the street near Bedford Terrace, and I may have used some choice words to let the driver know that I was angry with him.

Where do you think you will be in 5 years?

I would really like to be teaching high school history for a Department of Defense dependent school and working toward a Ph.D. If that does not work out, there is always the CIA.

What's your favorite thing about where you grew up?

My favorite thing about where I grew up is that it is only 20 miles south of here. Other Smithies who do not know where I am from try to tell me these interesting facts about Springfield, and they almost always have their information mixed up. One girl got a little upset when she tried to convince me that the Gerena Community School was once a mall and I debunked every aspect of her theory.

What single piece of advice would you give to President Christ?

I would really like to see President Christ be more available to students. I have not had the chance to interact with her, and that saddens me. I think she should spend more time mingling with students (besides those who have extremely high GPAs) to make students feel that the college is invested and interested in them.

1/29/07   Compiled by Kristen Cole
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