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Elan McCollum ’08

Jan Arbaugh ’07

Alesandra Sandin ’07

Amanda Bird ’07

Emily Ellithorpe-Luker ’07

Shadavia Jones ’10

Merrilyn Lewis, advancement

Sam Rush, theatre

Christine Carr Hill, advancement

Mary Martineau, advancement


What do you do at Smith?

Assistant Director for the Smith Fund.

How many years have you been at the college?

I've actually been around 22 years. This round I've been here for 11 years. I worked in advancement research for 10 years and, since May, have been overseeing the annual fundraising for the classes of 1992-2006. I previously worked in the old development office for 11 years from 1980-1991.

What is your busy season?

Every season!


Who gets the most face time with you?

My new honey -- and let me state for the record: Love is grand at any age!

What are you reading now?

Althought I love to read, my life is pretty hectic right now and I don't get much time to just sit and read. However, after about a month and a half of quick snatches of reading, I finally finished Running with Scissors, which, I'm sure most people know, is based on a dysfunctional local family. My favorite book of all time, however, is Tuesdays with Morrie.

What is your favorite movie?

Toss up between Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz.

If you suddenly had two hours of free time, what would you do?

I've just taken up hiking and love the physical demands of the sport, so I would probably try a new trail.

What is your favorite wall hanging at home?

Two pastel portraits of my parents drawn at the New York World's Fair that were done on their honeymoon in 1939. The portraits were in a folder for about 65 years before my Mom came across them and asked me what we should do with them. I immediately fell in love with the pictures, had them framed and enjoy looking at them every day.

Do you vote?

I am dismayed with the voter apathy in this country, and believe that it is an honor and privilege to vote, and, therefore I vote every chance I get!

If you could live during any period in time and in any place, when and where?

I am content to be exactly where I am. This is absolutely the best time in my life!

Who does the work around your abode?

Everybody but me -- my cleaning lady comes every other week, the lawn man takes care of the grass, the plow man takes care of the snow (in the rare event that we might actually get some this year!), and my phenomenal handyman takes care of any other crises that might come up around the old homestead.

Is there any time in your life you wish you could do over?

Yes, I call it "my 13 years on the couch."

What did you do before you came to Smith?

Secretarial work and mothering.

What single piece of advice would you give to graduating Smithies?

Don't stress about the small stuff.

1/8/07   Compiled by Eric Sean Weld
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