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Responding to the Financial Environment


Alumnae Responses

Following her October 23, 2008 letter to the campus, President Christ shared similar information in an e-mailed to alumnae. Here are excerpts from a selection of the responses.

Thank you for continuing to underscore the importance of developing diversity and improving facilities despite these difficult times. Now that I am working in an inner-city public school system, I am well-aware of the challenges that many young women face when determining whether or not college is a possibility for them, and furthermore in choosing the “right school.” Smith is such an extraordinary place that I would hate to think of the students who would not have the opportunity to experience its joys if the school’s finances are not well-managed. -- Class of 2004

Thank you very much for your letter. It was clear and written with such care. I have not been involved with Smith since graduation other than small contributions. Your letter brought a sense of community back to me. -- Class of 1985

Thank you so much for your candor about and planning for the economic challenges at hand. Having been a development officer and director for many years, I am convinced that actions such as you have taken to inform Smithies is the best possible manner to obtain future support. -- Class of 1955

I was certain that the college would meet this current crisis as well as it has met others. Thank you to all, the administration, the faculty and the students for a positive response. Also, thank you for the excellent, up-to-date information. -- Class of 1944

Just wanted to compliment you on your very forthright and classy information-sharing e-mail. None of my other institutions has been so proactive with alumni, thoughtful about the breadth of effect, caring for more than just the fund size, and planful about continued effects. Well done. -- Class of 1981

Please consider looking at the inefficiencies of an academic institution like Smith (and actually, all academic institutions) with specific reference to raising the level of efficiency by which education is delivered. -- Class of 1966

It is comforting to know that the college continues on sound footing. I would not expect less. Thank you for your careful stewardship of Smith. -- Class of 1978

I am pleased to hear that student financial assistance will continue to be at the top of your priority list, and that no student will suffer cuts this year. Perhaps there is a little extra to direct to those whose family income is diminished. I'll see what we can do to increase our small gift this year, but please know I continue to be grateful for the help and support I received back in the '50's! -- Class of 1958

Thank you for the information on Smith's economic position. The current student body should be engaged in the belt-tightening process, as we were in the early seventies. Reduction of energy and cafeteria waste should attain the same level of significance as educational objectives. -- Class of 1976

I am certain all recipients of your letter appreciate your update on the financial status and plans for the college. My first-year granddaughter is thriving and contributing to the Smith campus. The strengths of a Smith education sustain us all. Thank you again for your letter. -- Class of 1958

I support you and the trustees during these difficult times when I know tough choices will need to be made. The cost of a college education has become staggering and families like us who took on the challenge of saving to pay for college now feel completely defeated and at a loss. -- Class of 1982

[P]lease make a personal finance seminar mandatory for the freshman class and for the senior class. It is important in the best economic times and absolutely essential in the worst economic times. I graduated in 1993 and am appalled and dismayed by how many of my classmates still don't have or don't fully fund their 401K's and IRAs, don't have 529 accounts for their kids, do not have life insurance for their spouses on whom they are dependent. If you don't make Smith students more financially savvy they won't have as much disposable income available to support the college. -- Class of 1993

Rock on, Smith College. You gave me the gift of resiliency and I see you are still giving the gift. -- Class of 1963

I am sure I am joined by many alumnae when I say that my prayers and thoughts are with you. As one who teaches, I have been struck by the many excellent students who have had to lower their expectations because of finances. I am hopeful that those who can, will give more and that everyone who relates to young people will encourage and sustain them. -- Class of 1969

When the class of 1992 graduated as I was a sophomore, I had little understanding of how the 1992 economy really mattered, though those seniors clearly were troubled. I have much more understanding of their distress, now. Perhaps we can preserve more options for our classes of 2008 and 2009 if we coordinate more fully among college officials/faculty, alumnae, and students. The house-level programs of big and little sisters should be extended so that big sisters become alumnae mentors of their little sisters, as well. I am gratified to hear your message of underlying strength, commitment to core goals, and fiscal responsibility. Thank you for your excellent leadership of the college these past years. -- Class of 1994

I greatly appreciated being updated on the finances and challenges of Smith at present. I am confident that I can make a bigger than usual gift before the end of the year, as our financial prospects are looking up for a change! Not that it will be anything to write home about, but we're getting there. Wanting the best for Smith and its progeny does mean some kind of sacrifice and involvement. May we all prove up to the task -- all of us who have benefited so much from time and experience through Smith College. -- Class of 1988


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