Statistics on Japanese Religion

Despite some who would think that religion will slowly disappear in modern, technological societies, religion is booming in Japan. Statistics on religion in Japan, as elsewhere, are hard to find and also can be difficult to interpret. Here are several sites that provide basic numbers as well as analysis; although somewhat dated, the most detailed information can be found in the links to the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies articles listed below.

Japan Fact Sheet

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (2)

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (3)

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (4)

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (5)

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (6)

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (7)

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (8)

Statistics on religious organizations in Japan, 1947–1972 (9)

Search the web for more information on Statistics on Japanese Religion.

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