Physical Plant Y2K Compliance Summary

The Physical Plant Department maintains many systems that, in turn, have an impact on campus systems. Since early this year, an ongoing dialog with the utilities from which we obtain services, such as electrical distribution and fuel oil, has continued. The following summary describes the Y2K readiness for the systems and equipment for which Physical Plant is responsible as of October 1, 1999.

Distribution Systems:

Electrical Distribution: Northeast Utilities, our local provider, announced on June 30, 1999, that their mission-critical systems - those systems related to keeping the lights on, safety and meeting regulatory requirements and those with significant financial impact - are Year 2000 ready, meaning they are suitable for use in the Year 2000. Further information can be viewed at the Northeast Utilities web site:, or at the ISO New England web site: ISO New England handles the transmission of electricity in the entire New England region.

Steam (Central Heating) Distribution: Because the majority of our central heating controls predate any date sensitive computer controls, no problems are anticipated with the January 1 date change.

Fuel vendors:

Central Heating Plant fuel: The vendors from whom we obtain fuels to run the boiler plant have indicated that they do not anticipate any interruption in supply service.

Gas (vehicle) - Consistent delivery is anticipated.

Specialized operational systems, software & equipment:

FAMIS Maintenance Management System - version 5.0.4 is not Y2K compliant. Upgrade to compliant release is pending.

Paging and two-way communications - all equipment is Y2K compliant. Statement on file

Fire Alarm System — The Y2K compliant Simplex NT3400 system and associated software has been installed to replace the existing system.

Intrusion alarms - are included in fire alarm project, making them compliant. (See above)

Elevators — no problems are anticipated with campus elevators. Statement on file


It is important to note that the cost of protection versus cost of replacement to accommodate Y2K compliance issues must be considered in planning efforts; it is critical to consider planning and budgeting for disaster recovery as opposed to operating in a business-as-usual condition.

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