
Charles Skaggs Book Jacket Collection

Book jackets are sorted by year. Clicking on a particular jacket will open a new window with a larger copy of the image. Close the window to return to this page.

Paul Angle - The Lincoln Reader
Robert Gordis - Judaism for the Modern Age Ralph Korngold - Thaddeus Stevens Pierre Moinot - The Royal Hunt Robert Pick - German Stories and Tales Willard Thorp - A Southern Reader
Samuel Chotzinoff - Toscanini
Kent Cooper - The Right to Know Harriett Ann Daffron and Betty Joan Clark - Nearer to Thee Harriet de Onis, ed. - Spanish Stories and Tales Caroline Gordon - The Malefactors
John LaFarge - A Report on the American Jesuits Alberto Moravia - Bitter Honeymoon Maurice Samuel - The Professor and the Fossil James Shotwell - The United States in History 1957
Eileen Garrett - Life is the Healer

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