Embed a Google Drive video in a WordPress Page or Post

Pleas note: These directions are specific to Smith College Sophia WordPress sites.


Upload your video to your Smith Google Drive account. Then, double-click the file. The Google Drive video preview will open.



In the Google Drive video preview, at the top right side of the page, click the three dots icon. The video preview options drop-down menu will open. Click Share. The “Share with others” window will open.


From the “Share with others” window, copy the video link.



Go to your WordPress site, open an existing post or page or click the Add New Page or Post.

Need help? see our documentation information about the difference between Pages and Posts in WordPress.


From the add new page/post, go to the content area and write:

You must embed from Smith Google Drive.
Your shortcode should look like this, just using your link:
[smith-google-video-embed link="https://drive.google.com/123abcDeFg!%"]

Pase the URL between the quotes. Your code should look like the following one:

<iframe width="640" height="480" src=""https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lbKfgdUgHuQhdNQ_iqySJamHW2SRvAm/view?usp=sharing"/preview"></iframe>

From the far right of your URL, remove /view?usp=sharing from the code.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src=""https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_lbKfgdUgHuQhdNQ_iqySJamHW2SRvAm"/preview"></iframe>


On the right side of the page, under the “Publish” block, click Save, Update, or Publish. Your video will appear on the front end.

We'd love your feedback!

Last modified: May 28, 2019