b'scma by the numbers July 1, 2019June 30, 2020annual budget: $3,195,821 works in permanent collection: 27,931Loans to other institutions: 7museum attendance: 26,269 Incoming loans for exhibition: 153Smith College students: 6,634 Works receiving conservation: 8Smith College faculty and staff: 817Other Five College students and faculty: 1,755 art acquisitions:Children and youth: 2,536 Gifts: 51Adults: 14,527 Purchases: 42cunningham center attendance: memberships: 549Class visits: 48 Directors Associates: 9Students and faculty: 734 Tryon Associates: 25Works on paper used for classes or individual study: 1,157 Contemporary Associates: 13academic visitors: Student through Patron levels: 493Library Pass Partners: 9PreK-12 students: 1,621PreK-12 group visits: 82 membership revenue: $267,658 40+30+20+9+1College students: 3,633College group visits: 242 $83,770 StudentPatron levelsTryon Associates$105,900 $58,500 Directors Associates programs:Contemporary Associates: Teacher programs: 6 Library Pass Partners: $900 $18,588Family programs: 10 endowment comparison: Public programs: 17Student programs: 19 MARKET VALUEMember programs: 10exhibitions: 11 $44.2 M $47.9 Mvolunteers: 140FY15 FY20 87'