b'on view the ancient world gallery a reinstallationFebruary 14, 2020OngoingMOTIVATED BY A CURATORIAL VISIONto provide aThis reinstallation project has allowed us to more inclusive presentation, the museum reinstalledexplore our collection in depth, rediscovering objects the Sabin Gallery on the second floor, providing athat have spent much of their time at the museum global view of the ancient world. The term ancienthidden in storage, or putting on long-term view items differs according to each cultures own history, andthat did not easily fit in any permanent gallery space their designated periods do not often align with onepreviously. Grouping works that have not traditionally another. Prior to the reinstallation, SCMAs displaybeen displayed together reveals similarities among was limited to objects from Egypt, Greece and Rome,these objects and the cultures they represent. representing cultures defined as ancient in WesternThe new installation is organized around several civilization. Now we have expanded the geographicunifying themes: Coins; Vessels; Sculpture; Dailyboundaries to cover as much of the ancient world asLife & The Afterlife; Luxury & Ornament; Powerful & our collection allows. Apart from the MediterraneanMagical Figures; and Bravery & Vigor. In addition to region already included, the current installation alsoshowing a diversity of ancient cultures, the selection of encompasses Asia and North and South America.objects is designed to provide a wide range of media, Some of these cultures were in contact with one techniques and functions. In this reinstalled gallery, connecting people to artanother through trade and war, while others werewe aim to be transparent about some of the concerns separated by geography or time. and challenges of collecting and exhibiting ancient 34'