Committee on Educational Technology

9:00-10:00 AM, Monday, April 29, 2013


Present: Eric Loehr, Thomas Laughner, Marnie Anderson, Joe O’Rourke, Susannah Howe, Deborah Haas-Wilson, Tony Caldanaro, and Fraser Stables

Absent: David Gregory and Sara Pruss

Guest: Aisha Gabriel

Minutes from March 25, 2013

The minutes of the March 25, 2013 meeting were approved with two wording corrections to be made.

Review next year’s ETS seminars and faculty learning communities – Aisha Gabriel

Aisha told the committee that during FY13, ETS had developed 3 iPad learning communities and 1 epublishing group. In FY14 the faculty learning communities will focus on:

  1. Where tablets can support teaching and learning

  2. Flipped classrooms

  3. Learning catalytics

Joe asked Aisha how these groups are run and she said that she acts as the facilitator and then the faculty schedule meetings on the topic 3-4 times. Susannah said that she participated in a learning community this semester and she felt the groups could use more act participation from the facilitator. When the faculty were left to schedule future meetings, the coordination started to fall apart. Aisha thanked her for that input; she also said that the fall workshop would focus on how students use media in their learning and the spring workshop would be run by Deborah Keisch Polin and focus on the results of her survey on how technology is being used at Smith College. Tom said that ETS is working closely with the Sherrerd Center to coordinate programming. He also said that Deborah was preparing a flier that would target faculty and it was suggested that a printed flier with a header “FOR FACULTY” that went to each faculty member’s mailbox would be the best way to get their attention.

Proposal for new name for ETS – Tom Laughner

Tom provided a proposal to the committee suggesting that Educational Technology Services be changed to Academic Technologies and Services. The committee felt that it would be confusing to have 2 ATS departments within ITS. The acronym ERTS (Education & Research Technology & Services) was suggested as another possibility. There was not significant interest from the committee about the need to change the naming of ETS and Tom said that he would think about this some more and perhaps bring a new proposal to the committee next year.

Other Matters

Tom said the Women in Financial Independence were working with a company called Six Red Marbles to build online courses geared toward Smith College alumnae and taught by Smith faculty.

Tom also noted that there is greater demand from faculty for all sorts of tablets beyond iPads- Samsung Note and Microsoft Surface seem to be more useful depending upon courses being taught and applications being used.

This is the final meeting of CET for this year. Thank you to all members of the committee for the time they have given this year. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 AM; the next meetings scheduled for fall will be communicated later this summer.

Respectfully submitted,

Constance McGinn, recorder