Committee on Educational Technology

1:00-2:30 PM, Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Present: Eric Loehr, Thomas Laughner, Jefferson Hunter, Fernando Armstrong-Fumero, Gary Felder, Helene Visentin, Eric Brewer, Glenn Ellis, Marnie Anderson, John Davis, and Herb Nickles

Guest: Joanne Cannon

Approval of February 8, 2011 Minutes

The minutes of the February 8, 2011 meeting were approved as submitted.

Streaming Media Content presentation – Jo Cannon

Tom told the committee that the final price for SPSS renewal now through IBM was $24,400. ETS will cover $18,000 and the balance will be shared by the Provost’s office and the Psychology department.

Report on the meeting with the Sherrerd Center Advisory Committee Jeff

Jefferson, Glenn, and Tom met with the advisory committee at the Sherrerd Center to share thoughts on using technology in teaching. Kevin Shea would like some ETS and faculty workshops that coordinate with their group TechKnow workshops. The CET agreed that it is important to have representation back and forth with CET and the Sherrerd Center.

Jefferson said that he had spoken with Howard Gold from the Faculty Council regarding CET becoming an appointed committee rather than an elected one. He also encouraged current members to continue with their participation in CET. Final approval on this change will not happen until the March faculty meeting.

CET Grant Proposal- Phil Peake

Phil Peake’s proposal to purchase an audience response system with funding from CET, an NIH grant, and the Psychology department was approved for $8,251.00.

Connie will email the CET budget spreadsheet to the committee after the meeting so they can see where we are year to date.

Report on cross-listed courses in on-line catalog – Herb

Tom Laughner updated the committee on the on-line catalog as Herb was ill and unable to attend the meeting. He said that the on-line course catalog is being modified by the Administrative Technology staff this winter to display cross-listed courses in the search results. The goal is to have the change in place by April 1, in time for pre-registration for the fall semester. The program code modifications are not particularly difficult- changes to the search engine and creation of an additional interface for the Registrar’s and provost’s offices to manage those listings, for which the rules and exceptions are numerous. At this point, our focus is on getting the system adequately tested in time to go live. If CET members have specific concerns, they should contact Tricia O’Neil or Susan Kulig who are on the implementation team. The on-line course catalog pulls the course scheduling data from Banner and the course descriptions from a database managed by the Provost’s Office. Tricia is responsible for the data from Banner and Susan is responsible for the course description data.

Jeff will speak with Tricia about coming to report on progress to CET.

Revised CET grant application form – Tom

Tom reviewed changes that he made to the CET grant application form and the committee suggested some additional changes which he said that he would incorporate into a new form. Marnie asked Tom if he could add information on TARA to access the desktop from home based computers.

Other Matters

Jeff said that Joanne Cannon was working on a streaming media pilot for the classroom and had requested that she come to a CET meeting a do a 10 minute presentation on this topic.

Jeff will contact the SGA president regarding student representation on CET.

Jeff reported that he had contacted many other CET-like chairmen from area schools to see if they would like to meet and find common ground but that as of this meeting he has had no response.

There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 PM

The next meeting will be in March 8, 2011 at 1:00 PM in Stoddard Hall G4 conference room. Future meetings will be at the same time on April 5th and May 10th.

Respectfully submitted,

Connie McGinn, recorder