Present: Eric Brewer, Robert Buchele, Nicholas Howe, Thomas Laughner, Eric Loehr, Alan Marvelli, Katwiwa Mule, Herb Nickles, Nicholas Russell, Charles Staelin


Absent:  Glenn Ellis and Kamille King


Guests:  Kate Lee, Damon Blanchette, Caroline Moore, Kevin Rocha, and Joanne CannonCarlson




Minutes of March 9, 2007


The minutes of the March 9th meeting were approved as written.


Presentation by ETS staff on the classroom support model


Kevin Rocha introduced the ETS staff and explained that as a result of a reorganization within ETS the department was now two groups: interactive services and classroom/event support. Kate Lee explained the structure of ETS classroom support and said that extension 3474 was the number faculty should call for help as that is the central command for classroom support.  Damon Blanchette demonstrated the new online equipment request form and classroom support request form, explained classroom setup statistics, and said that ETS is coordinating with the Registrar’s office to put classes in classrooms with appropriate technology.  Caroline Moore demonstrated the new call tracking system for classroom support and said that their goal was a two minute response time.  The committee asked several questions of the ETS staff and thanked them for their work and presentation.


Update on May faculty workshops - Joanne CannonCarlson


Joanne provided the committee with a draft for an announcement regarding the May faculty workshops.  She asked if she could assume once again that faculty and outside presenters would be offered a stipend/honoraria for attendance and if so, what the qualifier would be.  It was agreed that attendance of 3 days would qualify faculty for a stipend of $200 and that outside speakers should be offered $500 plus travel expenses. The Dean’s office pays for faculty stipends and CET covers outside speakers and food for the event.  The committee said that the stipend should be advertised as available to the first 25 responders committing to 3 days, with the understanding that if more faculty responds that number could be adjusted.  The committee changed the schedule to the following:

Day 1: Friday, May 11

Day 2: Monday, May 14

Day 3: Tuesday, May 15

Day 4: Thursday, May 17 in the afternoon due to a faculty meeting and lunch

Day 5: Friday, May 18 in the morning


Joanne agreed to make these changes and complete planning for the workshops so that information could go out on the faculty list serve with links for more information.


Faculty initiative grant requests


The committee discussed the request by Edward Check and the Theatre faculty for computer technology upgrades totaling $42,890.  It was agreed that this request was not an initiative and Tom said that he would work with the Theatre department to rewrite the request and have them submit it again through the budget process as departmental expense.


Charles Staelin agreed to fund the two software requests from Steven Goldstein and Mark Aldrich through the Dean’s office.


Since there was no further time to discuss the other proposals it was agreed that the committee would schedule another meeting for Friday, April 27th at 10:30 AM in Stoddard Hall G4 to complete the CET business for FY2007.



Respectfully submitted,

Constance McGinn, recorder