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MISSION (Approved at Faculty Meeting, Spring 2012)

  1. The Committee on Educational Technology shall consist of the Associate Provost and Dean for Academic Development and three members of the faculty, one from each division, elected for staggered terms of three years. Members of the Committee shall also include the Director of Educational Technology Services, the Supervisor of Computing and Technical Services in the Science Center, a representative from the Libraries staff, the Director (or designate) of the Sherrerd Center for Teaching and Learning, and an undergraduate student.
  2. The Committee on Educational Technology shall be co-chaired by the Director of Educational Technology Services and one of the elected faculty, the latter chosen by committee vote.
  3. The Committee on Educational Technology shall advise the Technology Steering Committee and ITS on policies, strategies, and services related to the effective use of technology in teaching, learning, and research.
  4. The Committee on Educational Technology shall allocate annual innovation grants to faculty to explore new technologies or new applications of educational technologies; monitor and recommend strategies to sustain the technology in classroom and nonclassroom based learning spaces; request and review the results of analyses of outcomes associated with particular learning technologies (as needed); advise ITS on changes to technologies or services that impact teaching, learning, and research; determine specific hardware and software standards for academic users at the College, and policies for the provision of hardware, software and support services to students and faculty; recommend to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty the allocation of the fund for curricular initiatives in educational technology in a manner consistent withthe long-range curricular priorities of the College; work with the Director of Educational Technology Services to promote the appropriate use of educational technology in the curriculum and in scholarly research; and participate with other appropriate committees and officers of the College in forming policies governing the appropriate use of information technology resources at the College, such as policies regarding privacy, academic integrity, copyright and fair use.
  5. The Committee on Educational Technology shall prepare on a regular basis long-term plans for educational technology at the College. The Committee shall periodically review and assess progress toward the goals set forth in these plans, and it shall, as appropriate, review and assess the individual initiatives contributing to these goals. The Committee shall be informed of the operating, staffing and capital budget requests made by Information Technology Services for academic and curricular support, and the Committee may make recommendations of these requests to the Provost and Dean of the Faculty.
  6. The Committee on Educational Technology shall communicate regularly with the Committee on Academic Priorities so that the activities of the respective committees may inform and be informed by each other. The Committee on Educational Technology shall also meet periodically with representatives of the student body.
  7. The elected members of the Committee on Educational Technology shall communicate regularly with their respective divisional computing committees and/or other relevant divisional committees concerned with educational technology.



Copyright © 2006 Smith College Committee on Educational Technology   |  Northampton, MA 01063
Tel 413.585.1234  |  Questions?  Send us email.  |  Last updated October 8, 2013

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